You pay off a past debt, now you want the reward! Many people ask about the time it takes for their credit report to update once they pay off a past debt. If you’re anything like me, you wait a few weeks and then start checking to see if the derogatory mark has dropped. It can never happen soon enough;…
Rent to own – Let’s start with the basics. If you are planning to buy a home but your income leaves something to be desired, don’t despair. There are certain ways you can still own a home, though they’re not as straightforward and conventional as a traditional mortgage. Rent to own, which is also known as lease to own, permits…
Get to know your credit. In fact, become best friends. Whether you’re looking to improve your credit score, or building it from scratch, we’ve got some tips for you. Building and maintaining good credit is no easy task, but often times consumers are overwhelmed by the information they encounter online. A low credit score is not the end of the…
Trying to borrow with bad credit? Not so fast. Many Americans are asking questions like, what is a good credit score or how to rebuild a credit score? Chances are if you’re asking these questions, your credit score could use some work. According to Lexington Law; 12% of the U.S. population has a credit score below 550. This group of…
To co-sign or not, that is the question. It can be tough to get approval for loans or credit cards for someone who doesn’t have a good credit history. However, businesses still approve such applicants if someone with good credit agrees to co-sign for them. If your loved ones ask you to co-sign and you agree to help, they will…
What is a FICO score? Your FICO (Fair, Isaac and Company) score is your credit score that is calculated with exclusive formulas and algorithms using the data from your credit report. If you are wondering “how is your credit score determined?” Then have a look at the factors that contribute to your FICO score below: How is Your FICO Score…
You have bad credit, big deal right? Bad credit can affect you in innumerable ways. Applying for credit cards results in the all too common denial screen, and lenders laugh at a request for a personal loan. When you have a bad credit report, not only will it be tough to get a loan or a credit card, even when…